Responsable: PROTEX S.A.S. identified with NIT: 830.051.740-1
In accordance with the provisions of Law 1581 of 2012, we inform that the personal data that you have given us as a client or provider of goods and services, will be part of our database to be used for the following purpose:
Make the registration as clients to our database, carry out contracting processes, do credit studies and general management of statistics, registration of suppliers to our database and do purchase statistics; In addition to measuring satisfaction levels, reporting on service campaigns, communicating promotional campaigns, conducting surveys, making reminders for payments, executing loyalty campaigns, sending invitations to events, raffles, updating data, offering products and services, communicating news of new products.
The use of this data will be done in accordance with the provisions of the “Manual of Policies and Procedures for the Treatment of Personal Data”, which contains the policies established by our Company for the processing of data, the mechanisms for the effectiveness of rights of the owner of the information to know, update, rectify, delete the data that rest in our database, as well as claim the person in charge and revoke the authorization for its use. This manual can be requested by email (